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Information for Funders - Our Aims

We aim to benefit people in South Wales communities affected by social isolation and the cost of living crisis, in particular, but not limited to children and families, the elderly, people with disabilities and mental health challenges and marginalised communities.


We work towards these aims in two ways. Firstly we plan and deliver free and subsidised workshops, activities and courses providing a wide range of arts and crafts, performance, play, music, sporting and other creative opportunities to groups within the communities of benefit. These activities are free at the point of delivery for those who could not otherwise afford to attend so that they are available to everyone. We work in community centres, welfare halls and other community venues and with other charitable organisations  supporting marginalised groups. Our aim is to fill the gaps that these organisations tell us there is a lack of provision for and widen access to the Arts. People working in the community and members of the communities tell us there is a need for funded activities and a lack of accessible creative opportunities.


In addition to this we

organise community events including fundays, festivals, markets and fairs with the aim of showcasing local talent, services and causes. We work with other community organisations and involve the groups we work with in the organisation of these events with the aim of raising awareness of support available and providing networking opportunities.

This is where we aim to bring the people we work with together to take part in community events alongside each other and promote greater community cohesion, support and understanding.

These events are a celebration of local communities led by local people for local people facilitated by us and involving local artists, performers, businesses, organisations, community groups and institutes.


We also provide activities at similar events organised by other community groups and organisations.


The outcomes we aim to achieve when planning projects and activities include the following:


  • Parents will have increased confidence and ideas for free and cheap ways to play with their children at home.

  • Improved access to all forms of the Arts with the identification and removal of barriers

  • Increased opportunities to establish and strengthen supportive friendships reducing social isolation.

  • Enhance the use of community centres and hwbs and increase awareness of the services they already offer.

  • Improve physical and mental well being including stress reduction and increased self esteem.

  • Provide opportunities to learn new skills and increase confidence in abilities.

  • Increased feelings of inclusion and wellbeing as a result of free creative opportunities and encouragement to take up hobbies and leisure activities both within the groups and as an extension at home. Hobbies and leisure activities are a vital component of a healthy lifestyle and we believe everyone should have access to them.

  •      Increased social cohesion and appreciation of local communities and the local environment.

  • Volunteering opportunities for local people from all sectors of the community.

  • Increased awareness of local services and networking opportunities for small local businesses, community groups, artists and performers.

  • Increased sense of wellbeing from involvement in community activities. We aim to bring marginalised and disadvantaged groups within the communities together to find common ground and establish stronger ties, leading to sharing of resources, talent and ideas for tackling local issues and improving communities.

  • Increased feelings of ownership and belonging within communities so that local people feel more willing and empowered to engage in and improve their local communities.

  • Increased awareness of already existing local support, services and opportunities – we find that people often have no idea what is available in their community or how to access the support they need.

  • Reduce stigma around accessing support services and encourage Pride in Place and a sense of the community looking after each other.


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