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Games Nights at The Art Space
Friday night is Games Night at The Art Space!
We alternate between Family Night, 16 + Games Night and our Pub style quiz run by Pint Sized Trivia!
Family Games Night is a fun, informal family night out suitable for all ages! Everyone can choose between playing some of our extensive collection of games with their friends and family or joining in team games, Bingo and challenges. We have art materials, Knex and Lego, baby toys and pool also available. Our Tuck Shop is open for hot and cold drinks and snacks and you are welcome to order in Pizza, Fish and Chips etc from surrounding takeaways. We have high chairs, baby changing and an accessible toilet. After 8.30 there is a chance for over 16s to stay on and play some more adult orientated games if you can get a babysitter!
Pub Quiz! Our family friendly pub quiz is run by the wonderful Pint Sized Trivia - an entertaining mix of trivia questions with the emphasis on fun and some great prizes up for grabs! Bring your team, your friends, your family or just yourself and join us for a team effort! Our Tuck Shop is open for hot and cold drinks and snacks and you are welcome to order in Pizza, Fish and Chips etc from surrounding takeaways. We have high chairs, baby changing and an accessible toilet. After 8.30 there is a chance for over 16s to stay on and play some more adult orientated games if you can get a babysitter!
16 + Nights - Games for Grown Ups! This is a chance to leave the kids at home and play some more adult orientated games with like minded friends. Members of Port Talbot Tabletop & Board Game Club join us for a night of RPG, Tabletop games, board games and card games. Bring a game if you would like to share or join in whatever the group decide to play! Our Tuck Shop will be open for hot and cold drinks and snacks and you are welcome to order in food or an alcoholic drink from our neighbours!
Dates for your Diary

No need to book but you can reserve a place on our upcoming events page to help us gauge numbers!
There is a £1-2 suggested donation per adult for games nights - we are a charitable company so if you are able to give your donations keep us open!
Dungeons and Dragons
at The Art Space!
We have several Dungeons and Dragons groups meeting to play at The Art Space and a dedicated WhatsApp! Group for players and DMs to discuss campaigns, one shots and offer help with character building and resources. If you would like to be added, please send us an email. Under 16s can only be added with a parent's permission. We are currently planning a kids D&D group so please contact us or drop in if you would like to put your name on the list! We have a Player's Handbook and other resources available to browse at The Art Space any time we are open for drop ins.
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